White teeth and treatments

White teeth and treatments

In recent years, white teeth issue exacerbated long-since have teeth an important part of communication between people, the teeth have very importance affecting the overall look.

Teeth whitening cosmetic action causing the dentin. The treatment involves anesthesia or pain and tooth whitening does not harm in the long run. Before scaling and disposal must be performed to ensure that there is gingivitis and caries.

Teeth whitening clinic

Teeth whitening is done at the clinic by dentist. Using a combination of concentrated bleaching gel and run by light, suitable for treated who must perform a one-time meeting whitening dental clinic.

The advantage of this system is quickly gaining the desired result you can see the change immediately.
The lack of this method is that the treatment is suitable for patients with sensitive animals teeth and/or gums.

Home teeth whitening

The recommended method of whitening and bleaching “common home” made patient and House.
The client accepts the custom database and syringes containing whitening gel and materials. Database that is intended to prevent the spread the jungle gums. Place the template in the mouth for an hour and a half to three times a day, and the results look like for about two weeks. The treatment lasts usually between two weeks to a month.

The advantage of this method is that the results hold for the long term.
The lack of this method is that you can see the change in tooth color after only two weeks.

Keeping teeth whitening results.

Stop smoking

Smoking causes ultimately disastrous war spots on the enamel layer and darkens the color of teeth. Stopped completely or at least reduce the amount of cigarettes you consume daily.

Reduced drinking acidic beverages

Be sure to reduce the consumption of Citrus juices like lemonade or orange juice: their Ph erodes the enamel and hinder the natural color of the teeth. Try to limit consumption to about 3-4 cups a day.

Reduced consumption of drinks/foods the teeth-lines types

Coffee, tea, Cola and red wine are some drinks that can change the color of your teeth and leave stains and colored Sockets and teeth will leave stains, grayish yellow tooth plaque/about

Maintain hygiene

Keep right shoe and mouthwashes, dental hygienist to reach every six months.

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